Monday, June 9, 2014

Seven days in.

As of yesterday, I have been in India for a week. Here are a few things I saw through my lens in the last seven days.

This little friend wiggled his way into my window on Tuesday night. He crawled between my cupboard and the wall and camped out there until I went to bed. I decided to name him Shukriyaa, the Hindi word for “thank you”. As in “thank you, lizard, for staying on your side of the room all night”.

The very first rickshaw ride. There have already been many more of these since, but the hot breeze on my face never stops being exhilarating.

Welcome to my desk the the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI). They gifted me with a piece of paper with my name printed on it, a bottle of water that’s refilled each morning, a box of tissues, and five push pins. I added the picture of Flywheel and a few handouts I created regarding measuring various indicators of child health. When the little vested man bring me coffee every morning, it feels like home.

The general store across the street from the hostel I live in. I ventured over there this evening with Mary Kate, a new friend of mine living just down the hall, and we enjoyed a lovely stroll through town while enjoying mango juice boxes. And then upon returning home, found out that was never to happen again. Three cheers for enjoying freedom while it’s to be had.

the banana.
And, finally, there were bananas at breakfast on Friday. Clearly my little fruit-loving heart was overjoyed.

Happy Monday.

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