Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mormons, a mango shake, and a little bit of trespassing.

My sweet friend Mary Kate is Mormon, just like my dearest Bee, so all summer I have the pleasure of continuing to have all sorts of LDS adventures. We had our first this past weekend when we ventured into Delhi for church on Sunday. I took the metro in with Mary Kate, walked her to church, and then headed to a Café Coffee Day to wait for her to finish (Café Coffee Day is a ubiquitous Tim Horton’s-esque coffee chain here, at least in Delhi). I enjoyed air conditioning and comfy chairs and a mango shake while editing pictures from frisbee nationals and reading. My current rate of literary consumption on this trip is approximately two and a half books a week. This does not bode well for the longevity of the seven-book library I squeezed in my suitcase.


A little before 12:30 (the theoretical ending-time for church), I walked back to the church building to find Mary Kate. When I arrived, classes were still in session, so I decided to explore and photograph the building. It was this tall, narrow thing with a staircase that wound up and up for what I perceived to be infinite floors. I took the stairs all the way to the top at which point I noticed a pair of shoes sitting outside the door on the top floor, suggesting that I may not, in fact, be exploring an LDS church, but rather an apartment building in which a LDS church meets. Fearing a potential encounter with a resident that might precipitate a rant in Hindi about invasion of privacy, the sentiment of which I’m certain I still would have gathered despite the fact that my Hindi vocabulary is limited to the words for “hello”, “thank you”, “that’s tasty”, “yes”, “no problem”, “potato”, and “mango”, I headed back down to the floors that definitely housed the Indian Mormons.


But still—clearly a cool place to spend a Sunday.

Happy Thursday.

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