Monday, August 19, 2013

The drought is over. Drink freely of this creative cover.

This might be enough to soften the hearts of even the coldest remaining tablet skeptics.

I apologize for the recent dry spell in this fountain of titillating information and exorbitant amounts of photos. I left you all in a metaphorical desert while I was gallivanting about in the actual desert with my very best friend. It was an artistic choice, really.

But I have returned, riding high on a bounty of adventures and no worse for wear if one disregards the full-body sunburned I acquired, which one finds difficult to do when the burn is concentrated on the back of one’s legs and one is about to embark on a 25-mile bicycle journey with one’s mother and sister. Here’s hoping they mistake my cries of pain for cries of the pleasure that results from being in their company.

In the next couple days, I will attempt to successfully divide my time between editing gobs of pictures, gathering my belongings for transport to Ann Arbor come Monday, and guiding the hungry masses through their burrito ingestion experiences. Look forward to lots of photos of rocks, lizards, and the most grand of all the holes in the ground.

Happy Monday.

P.S. Enjoy a sneak peek of the happiest of all the hikers.IMG_9751
Just kidding. There they are.IMG_9907

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